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General Policies
School Term




School Hours

Monday – Friday

8:20 AM – 1:00 PM

8:20 AM – 1:00 PM

8:00 AM – 2:00 PM


Grades 1 – 12
8:00 AM – 3:15 PM

Grades 6 – 12

Saturday Special classes will be held as and when the need arises. Details will be informed through Email or MS Teams

Office Hours

9.00 am to 12.00 noon only – On all Working Days
School business will not be transacted on Public Holidays

Quality Circle Time Golden Rules
We are gentle
We Don’t Hurt Others
We look after property
We don’t waste or damage things
We work hard
We don’t waste our own or other’s time
We listen
We don’t interrupt
We are kind and helpful
We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings

Education Organisation Policy of Oasis International School 

  • ​Oasis International School is committed to providing an International, Value-Based Education aligned to its Mission and Vision, to allow students maximum versatility.
  • Oasis International School is a Cambridge Pathway School, affiliated to Cambridge International Education, offering educational services from Pre KG to grade 12 via a broad curriculum.
  • The School values collaborative learning, positive relationships and building capacity amongst our students to effectively allow them to engage in the world where problem solving, evaluating, working in teams, communicating, creating and innovating are expected skills, attributes and capabilities.
  • To achieve its Purpose which is to nurture Responsible Individuals who will contribute positively, integrate and connect with the World as Responsive Global Citizens, Oasis has established an Educational Organisation Management System based on the Standards of ISO 21001:2018
  • The Visionary leadership of Oasis engages all learners and other beneficiaries in the organisation, to achieve its objectives.
  • Oasis optimises its system and performance through processes that function as a coherent system.
  • Oasis creates new opportunities through continual improvement which exceeds expectations of its stakeholders.
  • Oasis achieves greater objectivity in decision making through facts, evidence and data analysis.
  • Oasis is very cognisant of its Social Responsibility through transparent and ethical behaviour that contributes to quality education for all, health and safety as well as the welfare of all interested parties.
  • Oasis believes in Accessibility and equity through inclusion, flexibility, transparency and accountability in order to address learners’ individual and special needs, interests, abilities and backgrounds.
  • Oasis ensures confidentiality, integrity and availability of data of all interested parties by setting controls to prevent and mitigate threats and vulnerabilities.

Academics Policy

Academic Conduct

Oasis believes that classrooms are safe, caring and orderly environments in which the rights of all students to learn and all teachers to teach have to be supported.All students are expected to follow the rules and regulations of the classroom.Students need to come into the classroom on time.Students need to be seated in their places with the books and stationery ready for the class.Students need to raise their hands to ask questions or clarify doubts.Students need to take permission from the teacher and take passes if they need to go out of the classroom for any reason.Students will not raise their voice, shout or talk in a group when the teacher is explaining.Students will do their tasks with minimal noise and movement.

Guidelines for conducting online Classes

  1. Ensure that all teachers/parents and students are oriented on how to use ‘Teams’
  2. Ensure that it is safe and secure.
  3. Ensure that you model an effective and respectful tone when you communicate to students.
  4. Use both synchronous and asynchronous models to teach.
  5. See that you use active learning strategies and promote student interaction.
  6. Have realistic goals for yourself and your students so that online learning does not become a burden [especially home assignments].
  7. Focus on consolidation of learning rather than finishing of portions.
  8. Plan intervention classes if you find most students are struggling with a concept.


K1 to Reception30 minutes once a week of face to face class. Worksheets and another half hour of screen time is permissible. Screen time should not be more than 1 hour a day in total.
Grade 1 to 530 to 45 minutes of two sessions on alternate days. Worksheets can be sent for other days
Grade 6-845 minutes class of two sessions each every day from Monday to Friday
Grade 9- 121 hour of class four sessions a day every day Monday to Friday.


  1. Schedule your classes according to the timing given by the government as the Timetable will give everyone an hour slot.
  2. Do not exceed the time and get into the time of another teacher. Also do not extend timings if there is a free slot unless it is an emergency.
  3. Students would have forgotten concepts, revisit them and then start with the new concept.
  4. We must be cognizant of the fact that the present times are trying for the teacher and student. Therefore, be very careful how you react to non- compliant behavior.
  5. Be empathetic of the fact that many students are using devices that do not support a lot of apps also many of them have internet issues. If you find that many students cannot use an app, please don’t use it the next time.
  6. Make students aware of cyberbullying and how to avoid getting bullied. Also encourage them to refrain from such acts and make them aware of its consequences.
  7. Encourage parents and students to learn from peers if they have difficulty accessing the classes due to internet issues.
  8. Give timely feedback of assignments given and make the student feel that you are there for them.
  9. Be thorough with your planning and teach concepts rather than a topic.
  10. When sending worksheets or tasks ensure that it is age appropriate, relevant, has clear instructions and exploratory in nature.
  11. If you are using PPTs ensure that your slides have only key ideas. It should not have too much of text.
  12. Create a congenial, safe and secure online learning environment.

Students’ Discipline Policy

Students’ Discipline Policy
Oasis International School aims to provide a framework of affirmative, positive and caring discipline through timely and effective intervention. The school has clear expectations that the students will be courteous, polite and tolerant of the views and values of others. The school recognises that rewards are more important than punitive disciplinary measures.

Students are expected to comply with the Affirmative Discipline Policy to benefit both themselves and the wider community. Students will be praised and rewarded for displaying positive actions like excellent work, acts of kindness and consideration, good effort, exhibiting a high standard of personal grooming, excellent attendance and other areas worthy of private and public mention. Students are expected to conduct themselves in and outside the
school in a manner that will make the school and their parents proud.

Staff members positively encourage the development of student independence and self- discipline. They take every opportunity to give appropriate praise and celebrate students’ achievements. Staff members do understand that students sometime find it difficult to conform to the rules and regulations of the school. When this occurs, the school has a clear obligation to identify issues and support students as appropriate in order to enable them to overcome their problems.

While the school seeks to cultivate and maintain an environment of trust, care and open communication, the Management also believes that there is certain behaviour that will not be tolerated and will incur severe consequences. These consequences have been made for repeaters. Teachers will be able to use their discretion in identifying such students.

Oasis does not believe in Corporal Punishment.

There will be a Discipline Vigilance Committee to guard against possible issues like targeting of students, labeling, etc.

The Discipline Vigilance Committee will consist of:
1. The Principal
2. Trustee
3. School Coordinators
4. Counsellors
5. Student Council Heads

OIS Discipline Policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school can work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure.

Student Expectations:
At Oasis International School, students are expected to: –
• Comply with teachers’ instructions
• Speak softly and politely at all times
• Refrain from backtalk with teachers
• Refrain from use of foul language, obscene gestures, racial, ethnic, religious slurs and disrespectful language or actions
• Avoid shouting in the corridors or on staircases
• Profanity is always prohibited
• Respect others and cooperate with others
• Act in a manner which is not disruptive and work without distracting others
• Changing classrooms between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner
• Get to the destination as soon as possible and no later than five minutes of the start of every period
• Avoid loitering in hallways/corridors and moving from place to place
• Avoid running, tripping, playing, fighting or delinquent behaviour in the corridors or on staircases
• Follow safety rules in the school
• Listen carefully to the instructions at the time of emergency
• Use positive corrective practice when dealing with conflicts
• Approach a teacher when faced with conflicts and comply with his/her directions
• Ensure appropriate use of school property
• Respect the property of others
• Students of all classes must arrive no later than 7.55 AM in the morning
Students arriving after 8:00 AM must get the handbook signed at the reception before getting into the class (This excludes students travelling by school bus, students with a doctor’s note, court documentation, amongst other similar cases. In case of exigencies that entail late arrivals, prior permission is to be sought by the student from the Level Coordinator)
• Students are expected to maintain good character, discipline and decorum and be punctual in submission of homework, assignments and project work. Under no pretext should a student miss any teaching / games / activity period
• In case a teacher is absent alternate arrangements are made by the Timetable Committee and students must stay in class, be disciplined and refrain from loitering around
• School uniform is a discipline in itself and should be adhered to by all students. Students are expected to come to school dressed appropriately with proper attention given to personal cleanliness, grooming, and neatness of dress. An acceptable hairstyle is always expected. Students must not wear expensive jewellery or accessories. Only small stud earrings are allowed
• Students must abstain from inappropriate actions and behaviour which includes but is not limited to harassment, bullying, gender, racial, ethnic and/ or sexual harassment, abuse, profanity, physical fight, public displays of affection
• Students are expected to approach the examinations with honesty and sincerity and follow rules and regulations
• Students must not indulge in plagiarism
• Expensive items, electronics items, cell phones etc. or large sum of money are not allowed in the school premises and/ or school functions/events inside or outside the school
• Laptops can be brought to school with prior written permission from the teacher concerned and after it is configured by the IT Dept
• Cell phones are not permitted in the school premises or outside on any day, at any time unless a written permission is obtained due to unavoidable circumstances
• AS and A level students who carry their cell phones will have to deposit it with the class teacher during class hours
• Students are expected not to indulge in any incident related to theft
• Students must refrain from going to unauthorized areas, missing class(s), indulge in frequent absenteeism from classes and being present in school beyond school hours without teacher’s permission/ supervision
• Use of English: English should be spoken in the school premise
• Students should not touch or use teachers’ belongings
Appropriate use of school computers and computer facilities
Network is provided for the students to facilitate learning, sharing and innovation. All facilities must be regarded as privileges, which may be withdrawn at any time.
• Students are not permitted to participate in chat rooms without their teachers’ permission
• Students are not permitted to download programs or games without their teachers’ permission
• Students are not permitted to purchase items online
• Students are not permitted to access inappropriate sites
• Students are not permitted to play games across the school network
• Students are not permitted to use, possess, download or search for any program that is designed to reduce or bypass network security
• Students must not store or transmit copyrighted material on the school network
• Students are not permitted to adjust any computer hardware
• Students are not permitted to add or delete software or change the settings on any computer
• The internet is provided to assist student’s education and is used with permission
• Students must refrain from viewing explicit content and using bad language whilst online and will report any sites containing this if they come across them accidentally
• Students must understand that they can only access sites relevant to educational work in school and they are not permitted to access social networking sites or visit sites not related to his/her curriculum
• Students must not attempt to deliberately hack into the school network
• Any electronic communication sent or received via school network can be monitored at any time without warning
• Students can bring secondary storage devices only with prior consent of the teacher
• All students are required to comply with the school’s computer usage policies

Accountable Action
Cards will be issued to students to recognise, encourage and reinforce positive and role model behaviour or to prevent and correct undesirable and/or unacceptable behaviour
1. Merit Card: Students will be awarded a merit card for exemplary behaviour
2. Merit Certificate: Three merit cards over the academic session will earn them a Merit Certificate
Classroom discipline strategies vary from room to room. When a behaviour issue arises, teachers need to manage it themselves before taking it to the Coordinators. The students need to be informed about the inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour and that further indiscretions will be dealt more sternly. Teachers need to ensure that 3 warnings are given to the student before issuing the card.
3. Disciplinary Cards: Students who violate the School Discipline Policy will receive disciplinary cards from the concerned teacher in consultation with the class teacher.
a. Yellow Card: Students will be issued a yellow card as delineated in the policy. The cards will be recorded in the student’s file. The parents will be notified by the class teacher at the receipt of 2 yellow cards. More than three yellow cards will lead to a red card being issued to the student by the Level Coordinator.
b. Red Card: Student will be issued a red card as delineated in the policy. The cards will be recorded in the student’s file. The parents will be notified by the Level Coordinator at the receipt of the first red card and a meeting will be scheduled
a) First Red card- Withdrawal from school activities and other privileges. The Level coordinator will inform the Principal and issue the card
b) Second Red card – Suspension from participation in various school events and or/ any form of suspension and /or other action deemed appropriate by the Principal.
c) Third Red Card – Suspension/expulsion from school or any action at discretion of the Principal in consultation with the discipline committee
All disciplinary actions for misconduct will include conference between teacher/Level
Early Dismissal from School
• Student will be denied permission for a sign out in the absence of appropriate documents of permission and/or approval
• In case of an unauthorized departure from school, the parent will be called for investigation
• Red card will be issued along with a conference of parents and student with the Level Coordinator. The card will be recorded in student’s file
• If problem persists, action will be taken at the discretion of the Discipline Committee in consultation with the Principal

Suspension Policy
Suspension is the temporary removal of a child from school for violation of school policies and/or school rules. It is a serious disciplinary action in which a student is removed from the regular classroom for a day or longer.
Only the Principal has the authority to suspend a student. When an incident report is raised by a teacher / staff to the Discipline Committee, it is brought to the notice of the Principal.
Reasons for suspension include (but not limited to) the following acts by a student whether during the school hours or after and whether inside the school premises or outside.
• Physical assault on peers, teachers, staff
• Possession of weapons, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and /or any articles prohibited by the school or law
• Smoking
• Use of drugs or alcohol
• Vandalism including graffiti
• Public display of affection in school campus or when in school uniform
• Theft
• Defiance or disregard to teachers and/or use of words like kill, bomb and other that connote a threat
• Repeated use of abusive language
• Sexual harassment
• Cyber-crime like hacking, misuse of social media websites or creating unauthorised group that could have a detrimental effect on others
• Rioting
• Any form of misbehaviour or harassments
• Bullying
• Ragging
Types of suspension:
1. In-School suspension (ISS)
ISS is usually for less serious acts. The decision taken is based on the nature, frequency of occurrence and severity of the act. Students serve the suspension in a special classroom supervised by school staff. They are denied participation in school activities. The school will provide the student with suitable work to do which will be marked by a teacher. In-School suspension will be recorded (ISS-R) in the student’s data file in the case of students from Grade 6 to 12 and will not be recorded (ISS-N) in the case of primary students.

2. Out-of-School suspension (OSS)
A student is not allowed in the campus during the suspension with the only exception of scheduled conferences with school officials. Suspension is for a given period. Out-of- School suspension can lead to expulsion depending on severity of the act and/or at the discretion of the Principal.

3. Suspension from Activities (SFA)
Students are suspended from school activities and events to prevent and correct undesirable and/or unacceptable behaviour. The school will provide the student with suitable work to do which will be monitored by a teacher. Suspension from Activities will be recorded (SFA-R) in the student’s data file in the case of students from Grade 6 to 12 and will not be recorded in the case of primary students.
Procedure for OSS:
Once an incident report is considered for out-of-School suspension the following steps are taken:
1. The case of indiscipline reported to the Discipline Committee
2. The Principal calls for a conference with the Discipline Committee
3. Issue of letter of suspension. The letter of suspension from the Principal’s desk will clearly state the period and reason for the suspension
Conference with the parent(s)
4. Parents to be provided with first-hand accounts of the student’s violation of the code of conduct, reasons for suspension, details of the incident including statements made by school staff, the expected duration of the suspension and recommendations for helping the student
5. The School Counsellor to be present in the conference
6. The student concerned to be present at the conference
7. An opportunity to the student concerned to be provided for a hearing attended by the Principal and members of the Discipline Committee
8. An initial suspension may be for a period of up to five days. In consultation with The Management of the school, the Principal may extend the suspension at her discretion

List of major and minor infractions

Minor Infractions
Major Infractions
Regularly coming late to class
Cheating in tests/examinations/school events
Name-calling / Blaspheming
Bunking school
Repeatedly arguing/fighting
Causing physical harm with or without object
Taking any school documents without permission
Damaging school property
Safety Issues
Wearing wrong uniform (repeatedly)
Stealing exmination / test papers
Bringing any sort of explicit content to school
Forging signatures
Use of teacher’s belongings without permission
Getting Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, E-cigarettes, Vapourisers or any other substances
Repeatedly Disrupting the classroom atmosphere
Sexual harassment
Bunking class
Theft (based on severity)

 Punctuality Policy

At Oasis International School, we strongly believe in inculcating punctuality and regularity in students.

Policy for Late Comers

  • Students should report at least 10 minutes before the reporting time to school every day.
  • If a child is late in three instances, parents will be requested to meet the School Coordinators. On the third instance of late arrival to school, the student will be marked absent.
  • If the child is late for the 4th instance, a fine of Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty only) must be paid to the school office within two days of receiving the notice.
  • Regular attendance is important. In case of absence of more than 3 days, students will be required to submit a leave letter the next day, indicating the reason for absence. If the child is on leave due to ill health, a medical certificate and a fitness certificate should be produced along with the leave letter. If the child is absent for one or two days, the leave record in the Handbook should be filled in by the parent. No other leave can be claimed as a matter of right, for every child’s learning experience at school is important. A minimum of 95%attendance is compulsory. Students with 100% attendance will be awarded certificates at the end of the academic year. This minimum attendance is also important for promotion to the next higher grade.
  • If a student is not attending school for a long period (more than a week) a letter to this effect should be given to the School Coordinators in advance, stating the reason for absence and sanction of leave should be obtained by the School Coordinators.

Policy on Pickup and Drop of Students:

  • At the start of the year, the school holds a meeting with all the School Bus drivers. The people in charge go over the procedures required of them and provide guidelines so that the students are safe.
  • Misbehavior by the children can cause a distraction to the driver, and this can lead to dangerous situations. So, the school gives authority to the bus teacher in charge, to inform the   School Coordinators to contact the parents of the child, in such cases.
  • The school reviews the bus safety rules with the students and the students sign a safety rule copy to acknowledge that they have understood the rules.

When a child breaks the rules, it is an offense, and the school follows the following procedure :

First reported offense:  The School Coordinator meets the student and listens to his/her explanation.

Second-time offense by the same child:  The School Coordinator contacts the parents of the child on the telephone to make them aware of the mis-behavior.

Third-time offense by the same child: An appointment is arranged between the Principal, School Coordinator and the parents and a one to one discussion takes place to find a solution to prevent further inappropriate behavior.

Fourth-time offense by the same child: The student is suspended from using the bus facility for 7 working days.

Fifth-time offense by the same child: The student loses the privilege of using the school vehicle for the rest of the school years.  Parents should make arrangements to drop and pick up their ward.

Some actions listed as offenses are:

  • Engaging in a fight physically with another child.
  • Running up and down inside the bus.
  • Suspending from the ceiling rods, which could make him/her fall when the bus moves.
  • Using abusive language / foul language with other children/staff in the bus/ at other commuters.
  • Showing disrespect to Staff / or senior/ junior/ any student.
  • Mocking or Passing comments on other children/passerby.
  • Throwing water or any other liquid /material on other students.
  • Screaming in the bus/jostling or pushing other commuters in the bus.
  • Throwing water/paper /stationery/wrappers/bottles out of the bus.
  • Passing chits to other fellow students in /out of the bus.
  • Standing on the foot-board.

Healthy Eating Policy

We aim to encourage a healthy life-style in all our students:

  • We actively encourage students to eat a balanced and healthy diet. We discourage students from eating foods containing too much sugar. Sweets, chips, fizzy drinks and other such snacks and foods should be avoided.
  • Students are encouraged to bring fruits and vegetables or home-made snacks to school for their snack-break.
  • Students are encouraged to drink plenty of water while at school.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to wash their hands before eating food. Sanitizers should not be brought to

Lunch & Snack Time at Canteen: At Hennur Campus, parents are encouraged to avail this facility for their children. Nutritious and well-balanced food is prepared under supervised and hygienic conditions. The Facilities Executive could be contacted for further details.

  • If students bring their lunch, all necessary requirements (i.e. napkin, water bottle etc.) are to be brought.
  • Due to security reasons, parents or drivers are not allowed into the school premises to hand over lunch boxes.
  • Parents are requested to send enough nutritious food for their children for the Short Break and Lunch Break.
  • A hand napkin should be brought by the children to be put over their uniform while eating, to avoid soiling their uniforms.
  • The use of plastic bottles and lunch boxes is discouraged.

Infirmary and Health Care Policy 

RationaleThe health of each and every child is of utmost importance at Oasis International School (OIS). OIS provides professional nursing care as First Aid. 

Processes followed: 

Oasis has 2 fully equipped first aid infirmaries. Each of them is manned by a trained nurse. 

  1. The health history filled form of every child signed by parents is collected by the class teacher and one copy is kept with nurses. 
  2. Nurses maintain a record of day-to-day health problems of students. 
  3. A daily register is kept in the infirmary which is signed by Deputy Principal and Principal at the end of the day. 
  4. Students who are unwell need to take a permission slip from the teacher taking class before coming to the infirmary. 
  5. Nurses check the student and render first aid. 
  6. Nurses keep the class teacher informed. 
  7. Children are permitted to bring prescribed medicines with a prescription or a parental permission letter.
  8. In the event of an emergency that requires hospital care the student is taken to the hospital after obtaining permission from parent/guardian over the phone. 

 Care of students with chronic health problems: 

  1. The nurse will maintain the record of students with chronic health problems which include details like the student’s name, class, emergency phone number, address, health issues, immunization chart , signature of Class Teacher and PE Teacher. 
  2. When students with chronic health problems go for field trips , sports activities or any other school events the nurses will ensue that the bus in which they are travelling has the first aid box with the required medication . The teacher in charge has to be kept informed about the health requirements of the student and their signature acknowledging the receipt of information is taken.  
  3. Annual health checkup (basic) for all students and staff is conducted. 
  4. A minimum of 30 staff members are trained in first aid and CPR. 

Information conveyed in the school handbook: 

 The duty of the Nurse will be to impart only the necessary First Aid on the occurrence of any accident. If the parents cannot be contacted, we understand that the school has the right to take the child to the hospital for required treatment deemed necessary by the doctor. We have experienced nurses at school 

A child will not be allowed to leave the school during working hours unless the child has taken ill or is hurt. Permission will be granted at the discretion of the Principal / Vice Principal/ School Coordinators only. 

 Covid Protocol Policy 

If student shows symptoms of Covid infections, the protocol to be followed is as below: 

  1. Teachers or staff excuses student from classroom and informs nurse on duty. 
  2. Nurse takes student to isolation room and ensures student is properly supervised and masked. 
  3. Checks the vital signs of the students. 
  4. Collects the health history from the student. 
  5. Informs the class teacher, coordinator, Principal, and parent. 
  6. Arrangements are made for the student to either go home or seek emergency medical attention. 

After the student leaves the campus: 

  1. Clean the area that the ill student occupied. 
  2. Ventilate the area. 
  3. If necessary, use personal protective equipment to reduce risk of infection. 

In Covid 19 test positive test result in student/staff: 

  1. If any student or staff is tested positive, then they should start home isolation. 
  2. Make a list of close contacts of the ill person. 
  3. Informs all the close contacts of possible exposure. 
  4. The ill person can return to school by providing a Covid 19 negative result and after 10 days of isolation and treatment. 

In addition, both nurses go around classes and talk to students about importance of hygiene and keeping safe during the Covid times. 




  1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to communicate to all stakeholders the Safety protocols and procedures executed by Oasis International School to control the spread of Covid -19 and ensure safety of all its stakeholders while in the campus.

  1. Scope of the SOP

This SOP outlines various generic precautionary measures to be adopted in addition to specific measures to be taken when the school is permitting students (for 10th to 12th class) to attend exams during this pandemic.

  1. Generic safety Measures to be observed by all stakeholders

The generic measures include simple public health measures will be followed to reduce the risk of COVID-19. These measures need to be observed by all (staff, students/ candidates and parents) at OIS  at all times.

These include:

  1. Physical distancing of 6 feet to be followed.
  2. Use of face covers/masks is
  3. Respiratory etiquette to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.
  4. Frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40-60 seconds) even when hands are not visibly dirty recommended to all present on campus. Hand washing facility will be provided along with provision of soap. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are  placed at all major entry and exit points.
  5. Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest.
  6. Spitting is strictly prohibited.
  7. Mandatory thermal testing  will be done at the entrance of the School.
  8. As a safety precaution, parents are requested to drop and pick up their ward from the School on the days of the Exam.
  9. Physical distancing norms will be followed in the parking area, corridors and the elevator.
  10. Parents waiting at the Front office shall be seated by maintaining physical distancing . You will adhere to the physical distancing norms at all times on campus .
  11. Staff nurse shall be available in the campus.


    1. Specific arrangements for grades 10 to 12:
      1. Online/ distance learning is done for regular classes
      2. Students taking exams or practical classes will come to school on the days of exams with prior written consent of parents. Physical distancing norms are followed during the exams and practical classes.
      3. The teachers who come to invigilate or take classes will give a no objection letter.

4.1: Before reopening the school

  1. a)  Planning of reopening of school
    1. Invigilators whose temperature is above the prescribed limit or has come in contact with COVID positive patient will not be allowed to enter the campus.
    2. Prior to resumption of exam, all work areas intended for exams/practical sessions etc., including laboratories, other common utility areas shall be sanitized
  • Instead of biometric attendance alternate arrangements for contactless attendance shall is made by the school administration.
  1. At all times, the teachers and students shall maintain a physical distancing of 6 feet apart, wherever feasible. Scheduling of activities and seating plan is made accordingly
  2. Ensure hand washing facilities along with provision of soap
  3. For ensuring queue management, inside and outside the premises, specific markings on the floor with a gap of 6 feet is made. Similarly, physical distancing shall also be maintained in staff rooms, office areas (including reception area), and other places.
  • Assemblies and events that leads to overcrowding are strictly prohibited.
  • The school will display State helpline numbers and also numbers of local health authorities etc. to teachers /students / employees to contact in case of any emergency.
  1. Windows of the exam hall will remain open at all times
  2. b)  Planning and scheduling of activities
  3. All employees who are at higher risk i.e. older employees and employees who have underlying medical conditions will take extra precautions.
  4. Training course on basic awareness is given to the invigilators and staff involved.
  5. c)  Availability and management of supplies
  • Appropriate back-up stock of personal protection items like face covers/masks, visors, hand sanitizers etc. shall be made available by management to the teachers and employee.
  • There is adequate supply of thermal guns, alcohol wipes, disposable paper towels, soap.
  • Pulse oximeter to check oxygen saturation levels of any symptomatic person is arranged
  1. Sufficient covered dustbins and trash cans are provided
  • Provision for proper disposal of used personal protective items and general waste
  • Housekeeping employee is informed & trained about norms for waste management & disposal

4.2 After opening of the schools

a) At the entry point

  1. Entrance has mandatory sanitizer dispenser and thermal screening provisions.
  2. Only asymptomatic persons (teachers, employees and students) will be allowed in the premises. If a teacher/employee/student is found to be symptomatic, he/she should be referred to nearest health center.
  • Posters/standees on preventive measures about COVID-19 will be displayed prominently.
  1. Proper crowd management in the parking lots, in corridors is done duly following physical distancing norms.
  2. Entry of visitors will be strictly regulated/restricted.
  3. b)  Conduct of guidance activities in the rooms or open spaces within the school campus
  4. Seating arrangement to ensure a distance of 6 feet between chairs, desks etc.
  • Staggering of guidance activities to be done, with separate timing slots, to allow for adequate physical distancing and disinfection of classroom premises
  • The teaching faculty will ensure that they themselves and students wear masks throughout the conduct of the exams.
  1. Sharing of items like stationery, water bottle etc. amongst students will not be permitted.
  2. c)  Conduct of practical activities and exams in laboratories
  3. For practical activities in laboratories maximum capacity per session based on redesigned spaces is planned and scheduled accordingly.
  • The equipment’s will be disinfected, particularly the frequently touched surfaces before and after each use.
  • A floor area of 4m2 per person is available for working on equipment/work station
  • Members sanitize their hands before and after using training equipment. For such purpose hand sanitizer will be carried by students.
  1. d)  Activities in common areas – library, mess/canteen, corridors etc.
  2. Physical distancing of 6 feet needs to be maintained
  • Persons using the common areas will use mask/face cover all times
  • Canteen within the premises, shall remain closed.
  1. e)  Transportation to and from the institution

xviii. Students will make their own arrangement to and from school during the exam session

  1. Hygiene and Sanitation
    1. Daily cleaning of the floors shall be taken up and sanitisation will be done 2 to 3 times a day.
    2. Provision of soap in toilets and hand sanitizers in other common areas in sufficient quantity will be provided
  • Cleaning and regular disinfection of frequently touched surfaces will be done at the beginning and end of exams
  1. Deep cleaning of all drinking and hand washing stations, washrooms and lavatories shall be ensured.
  2. Students will not be involved in any of the cleaning activities for health safety reasons.
  1. Risk Communication
    1. Awareness created to ensure safe entry and exit with social distancing
    2. Sensitized students, parents, teachers and employees about awareness on COVID appropriate behaviour.
  • If a student, invigilator or employee is sick, they will not come to the school and follow necessary protocols in this regard.
  1. SOP to be followed in case a student/teacher/employee develops symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty in breathing)
  2. The person showing symptoms of illness will be isolated and kept in a separate room.
  3. The person will wear a mask till the time he/she is examined by a doctor. Parents/guardians will be informed.
  • Examinees exhibiting symptoms and are willing to give exams will be allowed to take the exam in a separate room. The invigilator will be given a PPE kit.
  1. Local health authorities will be informed and further action will be taken on their advice.
  2. Disinfection of the premises will be done if anyone is tested positive.


At Oasis International School, according to our EOMS Policy, we aim to provide students with a strong foundation by guiding them through the transition from youth to adult members of society. Successful transitions – whether from lower secondary to upper secondary; at age 16; into work-based training or university; are life-enhancing for every student. We believe that each transition is smooth and enriching for students, which help them make a wise decision about their higher education goals. The Career Counselling department was established formally in 2018 to provide our students to link their current learning to future career options.  All students of Grades 6-12 will have access to career guidance, the career counsellor, and the career counselling lab to develop a culture of ambition and aspiration in the school.


To encourage students to meet with career counsellors in one-on-one appointments to discuss their academic interests, subject selection, and career exploration.

  1. To assess personal preferences, skills and interests which is an important part of the career development process.
  2. To help students develop a better understanding of their skills, abilities, and career interests and to help them see how these relate to the workplace.
  3. To assist students with college and university fairs, college and university visits in school, expert panel discussions, workshops, internships, webinars, and various other sessions.
  4. To provide students with necessary resources for research and experiential learning through the career counselling lab.


The Career Counsellor helps students discuss their concerns about career and educational choices. We help them figure out who they are and what they want out of education, career, and life. Students have individual sessions where a personal analysis of their ideas, feelings and choices is done. These sessions help us to assess their interests and abilities. Students are made aware of the new and diverse career options available to get a great start in their professional lives. These sessions empower the students to have a deeper perspective and a sense of career self-awareness. It provides essential support and boosts the morale of a student and builds their motivational level. In addition to this, students are also guided through the application process and to determine the next steps related to the admission process.

Career Fairs: Students are given the opportunity to meet Universities and Educational centres across India, as well as Universities from different countries, throughout yearly fairs. These events will take place within school online and off campus and is at times the responsibility of the student to attend without the counsellor. Students, parents, and teachers get an opportunity to meet, interact and extract information about different courses across the globe. This aims at increasing students’ awareness about international universities within and outside India along with their entry requirements, admission process, etc.

Individual Counselling: One-on-one sessions offered by the Career counsellors to help students in creating and implementing their own career plans and in developing a greater sense of self-awareness relevant to the career development process. This also includes support for personal essays, support when required for the application forms and assistance to ensure all necessary documentation and additional (external) tests required for the application are complete.

Career-related Workshops: Throughout the academic year, the school arranges a range of interactive workshops to equip students with the needed skills and to prepare them for higher education Workshops may include:

  • University Application Procedure
  • Portfolio building (various kinds)
  • Professional skills and academic CV development
  • Preparing for IELTS, SAT, NEET, CET etc.
  • Insight into Admission from University Perspective and Information about UCAS/Common App, etc.
  • Entry-level examination Universities Presentation – Different universities visit the school to orient students about their universities, the courses and services offered by them. Also, information about eligibility criteria, entrance exams, expenditure and time of application is given to students

Participation in extra-curricular activities such as the Model United Nations, community service, internships, etc. is also highly encouraged, where they can hone their interpersonal skills and put them to good use.

In-house Support – Students are assisted if required in their application for UCAS, Common Application, etc. Personal statements and essay drafts done by the students go through a process of reviewing and proofreading to ensure that the documents portray the most accurate representation of each individual student.

Career Counselling curriculum: A specific Career counselling curriculum has been customized for the students of Grades 6 – 12. Each grade will have classes twice a month to ensure that the curriculum is completed.

Internet  Technology Policy 

Policy Statement 

This Policy applies to all Oasis International School (OIS) staff (including temporary staff), visitors and/or to those using the School’s IT resources. Inappropriate use of IT may expose the school to unnecessary risks including virus attacks, compromise of network systems and services, financial and legal issues. 

 This policy is drafted to keep in line with Information Technology Act 2000 and the guidance given in the document “Cyber Security For Teenagers, Ministry of Home Affairs (GOI) 2018”.  

 The purpose of this policy is to:  

  • promote appropriate use of IT facilities  and capabilities 
  • guard against the misuse of IT. 
  • Prevent the  theft of the information stored on the storage facilities. 
  • prevent damage to the network facilities.

Unacceptable use  

Use of the computers  for personal reasons during the course of a lesson is deemed inappropriate and unacceptable.  

Computers and Laptops belonging to OIS may not be used by non-school employees. 


  • Incidents: All known or suspected security incidents related to IT must be reported to IT HelpDesk at your respective schools 
  • Applications: All general purpose Personal Computer (PC-including desktops, laptops, tablets or other such devices) are installed with a standard set of applications. Self-installation of unauthorised software is prohibited 
  • Data Storage: All data stored on OIS property is considered OIS property. All such data may be considered temporary data and is subject to being deleted at any time 
  • Copyright Laws: Any copying without permission, including electronic copying, is prohibited as per the relevant state or country law 
  • Computer Hacking: Any hacking is strictly prohibited and can be a criminal offence as per the relevant governing law of the state or country 

 Computers, Internet, email, social media etc. should be used appropriately. Inappropriate use includes the following (this is not an exhaustive list): 

  • Visiting pornographic sites 
  • Sending untrue/malicious statements 
  • Receiving, sending or downloading pornographic information 
  • Breaches of copyright 
  • Sending offensive/obscene statements/attachments 
  • Cyberbullying/harassment 
  • Anything that may damage the reputation or interests of OIS 
  • Discriminatory or illegal religious, gender and preferences materials, including visiting sites which contain extremist materials or views, or promoting or disseminating the same 
  • Making potentially libellous statements 


At school premises, internet access provisions are primarily for educational purpose. Hence the usage for the purpose of storage of, access to, or downloading of material the is illegal, obscene, abusive, racist sexist, libellous, breach of copyright defamatory, playing computer games, access to chat rooms and personal entertainment are forbidden. At school, all internet users will be logged, subject to local regulations and subject to disciplinary actions if required. 


OIS provides an Oasis email id and access to all its students. Email system is to be used for education purposes only. Any student receiving any inappropriate content should inform their respective class teacher or IT HelpDesk immediately. Students/parents are responsible for the safety and security of their Oasis email login credentials and in case of incident the audit trail login credentials will be used for authentication. In case of student/parent forgetting the login credential or suspect theft please reach out to school IT immediately for recovery. 


To guard against unauthorised usage of the IT facilities a power-on password has been enabled. 

Social Media 

Social media for the purpose of this policy refers to social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc), online forums, chat rooms, blogs, wikis or electronic newsletters and other technologies that allow creating and sharing of information via virtual communities and networks. Only social media sites authorized by OIS ca be accessed via the school information system and infrastructure while at school premise or when using school devices. Use of social media shall not affect OIS reputation through offensive, inappropriate or deregulatory remarks. 


 Laptops are configured to update the anti-virus on start-up and will attempt to locate updates from the Internet when not connected to the school network.  

Staff must be aware that laptops which have not been connected to the school network for any period of time may not have most up-to-date protection. 


Wireless connectivity  

 Technological developments in the area of cordless connectivity e.g. wireless protocols, Bluetooth and infrared have significantly increased the risks of unauthorised interception of a signal and of unauthenticated links being made to other devices.  

Staff should be cautious when using wireless connectivity to connect to any networks outside the school. Staff must ensure that measures such as encryption and address control have been enforced on the wireless network they wish to connect to. 

The wireless settings should not be altered, as this may result in the case of a laptop not being able to connect to the school’s wireless network. 

IT Support reserves the right to disable wireless facilities on a laptop if deemed necessary. 


Staff should be aware that the use of IT facilities is monitored in accordance with this policy.  

School management reserves the right to audit correct usage at any time, and the individual may be held liable for illegally held software or material e.g. in breach of copyright legislation.


The purpose of the policy is to develop a set of values and skills among students that promote honesty and integrity. It is to ensure that students take responsibility for their actions and the consequences that accompany them.


  • Promote good academic practice and a school culture that actively encourages academic honesty. 
  • Enable students to understand what constitutes academic honesty and dishonesty.
  • Encourage students to look to their teachers, supervisors, and coordinators for support when completing assessed work to prevent any possible form of malpractice.
  • Ensure that students understand the importance of acknowledging accurately and honestly all ideas and work of others.
  • Explain to students that they have an important role in ensuring that their work is ‘academically honest’.
  • Impart to students that plagiarism is a serious academic offence for which Oasis International School shows no tolerance.
  • Explain to students precisely what penalties will be imposed should they be found guilty of malpractice.

What is Academic Honesty? 

Academic honesty refers to:

  • Appropriate behaviour while examinations are being conducted.  
  • The full acknowledgment of the original authorship and ownership of creative material.  
  • The production of authentic pieces of work. 
  • The protection of all forms of intellectual property –which include forms of intellectual and creative expression, as well as patents, registered designs, trademarks, and copyright. 

 What is Academic Malpractice? 

This includes:  

Plagiarism: this is defined as the representation of the ideas or work of another person as the candidate’s own.  

(Example: Using AI-based resources such as ChatGPT etc) 

Collusion: this is defined as supporting malpractice by another candidate, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another 

Duplication of work: this is defined as the presentation of the same work for different assessment components and/or diploma requirements. any other behaviour that gains an unfair advantage for a candidate or that affects the results of another candidate.  

 Examples of Malpractice that refer to written examinations : 

  • bringing unauthorised materials into the exam room or accessing unauthorised materials during the exam.  
    • For example:  
      electronic devices with data storage and/or communication capabilities by any method. For example, mobile phones, cameras, e-readers, Bluetooth headsets, tablet or laptop computers, and ‘smart wear’ such as smart glasses and smartwatches  
  • revision notes of any kind;
  • calculator cases 
  • non-transparent pencil cases  
  • any packaging with images or text on it  
  • leaving and/or accessing unauthorized material in a bathroom/restroom that may be visited during an examination 
  • misconduct during an examination, including any attempt to disrupt the examination or distract another candidate  
  • exchanging information or in any way supporting the passing on of information to another candidate about the content of an examination  
  • failing to comply with the instructions of the invigilator or other member of the school’s staff responsible for the conduct of the examination  
  • impersonating another candidate  
  • looking for, getting, receiving, exchanging, or passing on confidential exam material in any way including websites giving past papers or any website dealing with  Cambridge IGCSE/AS/A Level Examination. 
  • stealing examination papers  
  • using an unauthorized calculator during an examination, or using a calculator when one is not permitted for the examination paper
  • disclosing or discussing the content of an examination paper with a person outside the immediate school community within 24 hours after the examination. 

 Penalty in cases of Academic Malpractice: 

  • The student/s will not be allowed to write /continue to write the Exam/Test in that particular subject. 
  • No marks will be awarded. 
  • Parents will be informed.  
  • If students are caught stealing question papers, he/she will be expelled from school. 


Medium of Instruction

At Oasis, the medium of instruction followed is English. Hence, all students are encouraged to converse only in English, except during the language periods, when they must converse in Hindi, Kannada, French, Urdu, and Arabic respectively.
Health care at Oasis

Please note: The duty of the in-house Nurse will be to impart only the necessary First Aid on the occurrence of any accident. If the parents cannot be contacted, we understand that the school has the right to take the child to the hospital for the required treatment deemed necessary by the doctor. We have experienced nurses at both sites.

Social Responsibility 
It is extremely vital that we inculcate in our students a civic sense regarding the community, city, and nation. The virtue of social responsibility will instill in students a sense of responsibility to render substantial service in solving social problems. We have programs such as Bala Janagraha and Service Learning Programme to inculcate this responsibility in students

Safety Measures: Oasis takes all care to ensure that no sharp objects are within the reach of children. Parents are requested to ensure that Paper Cutters, Sharp Scissors, Blades, Whiteners, Glue, etc. are not brought to school by any student.  However, despite all the precautions taken by the school, if a student harms himself/herself, the school will in no way be responsible for this act of theirs.

 Orientation Programme, Open Days and Parenting Sessions  Open Days and Parenting Sessions are conducted for parents every year. The school will email the orientation details to the parents giving a brief about the curriculum that will be followed through the year across different subjects along with the methods of assessments that will be used to assess the students learning.

School Programmes Purpose

  1. To inculcate unity, discipline, and integrity among students.
  2. To serve the community through community service-oriented activities.
  3. To develop well-trained scouts and guides who would bring laurels to school through participation in important events in and outside the school. Students of Grades 5 to 9 will be a part of this program and the training sessions will be conducted on Saturdays. 

Fire Drill: Mock fire drills are conducted to train the students to evacuate the building in case of a fire, in the shortest period of time

Discover our Campuses
Hennur Campus

K – 12

Survey No 90/2, Kadusonapannahalli
Bidarahalli (Off Hennur Rd), Kannur Post, Bangalore – 560 077

+91 9731449854 | +91 9591548917

D’Costa Preprimary Campus

Kindergarten – Reception

No. 5, 3rd cross, D’Costa Square,
Cooke Town, Bangalore – 560 005

+91 8861097317 | +91 7760912500

Copyright 2019 Oasis International School, Bangalore All rights reserved.